As an iPhone developer making videos of your work is pretty important, especially if there is any attempt to promote your app outside of the AppStore. This has been pretty challenging with limited time, obviously i would prefer to spend most of my time building games. We have now made quite a few videos of our apps. The hardest part is documenting accelerometer driven games like FAYJU BALL and frog box. The fayju youtube channel is now filling with videos of our attempts to make documentation. Screen shots do not display a 3d physics based app vert well. Here are the latest two.
Feeling slightly prouder of these videos. The next step is now to get them seen.
At one point I had considered taping a camera to my head for FAYJU BALL, this was unsuccessful :0) Hopefully as time goes on video documentation on no budget is a skill we can nurture. Here I have been using a panasonic s7, a mini handHeld camera with no tripod. The hardest part is trying to play a potentially two handed game through the small camera screen while holding the camera and having the iphone wired to the mac to record the sound…. and then matching the sound and the video back together. For FAYJU BALL i literally had about 40 minutes of footage… and I’m still not completely happy with the outcome. But they are getting better with time. Next time It may be best to have a second person holding the camera…