We have some exciting news for Amazing Frog? 2.
A Major Update, the Sandbox Update will be available soon.

Recently, we dropped “V3” from the name in favour of “Amazing Frog? 2”. A bit of rebranding as we give Amazing Frog? 2 its independence. I actually wrote a few blog posts that I never posted attempting to explain this, but in the end I felt it was self explanatory.

So, if you bought Amazing Frog? or Amazing Frog? 2 before today nothing will change and you will continue own both apps in your library, but from today we will be selling Amazing Frog? and Amazing Frog? 2 separately ( or in a bundle, I guess).

Amazing Frog? 2 began its development with every intention to become an iterative “update” to Amazing Frog? Things change… the scope changed, software changed, possibilities changed and we ended up working on two projects moving in different directions.
We now have two games:

Amazing Frog? 2


Amazing Frog? (the Quest for the Magical Mystery Toilet)

I don’t like “Road Maps” It makes me feel super uncomfortable to state what we are going to do as things change in development and we often need the flexibility to adapt. But I can outline a simple top line Road Map for both projects.

[h3]Amazing Frog? 2[/h3] Has become our more Experimental development environment. In the Sandbox update we are opening up a series of new environments and giving you access to more unlocked FAPS disk items to use in the new “Everything Sandbox” mode. We will give access to the Swindon Games island, Winter Island, Tiny Islands and a couple of emerging environments with tentative starting names the Toy room and Zombie Land.


Toy Room

Zombie Land

Tiny Islands

[h3]Amazing Frog? QMMT[/h3] has evolved to be a kind of open world free roaming adventure game and will leave early Access very soon. We are building for other platforms since it is now in a highly portable state. We will continue to update Amazing Frog? QMMT especially here on Steam, complete the Legacy Remastering process, flight school, magic toilet etc and of course continue to introduce more activities, a bunch of new vehicles, new beasts and Amazing Frog? QMMT part 3 is next… You can find out more about QMMT here:


So far this year the Updates for Amazing Frog?2 have been “seasonal” Easter, Valentines and lunar new year…(Really looking forward to year of the Dragon….) We wanted to implement a perpetual season system within Swindonshire. Meaning that the bunny outfits would become available every easter, Pumpkins for October, Santa Heads and crazy elf frogs in the Holiday season. Looking at where we are at, I can’t believe the last update was easter!
It has been a major advantage being small allowing us to continue to develop in perpetuity, but the down side of being a small developer is that things take time.

Update coming very soon.