<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/WBwtbFUhbGY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
It’s been a while since we last made a “trailer” for Amazing Frog? What I mean by that is a video that shows how fun it is and tells the viewer potentially what they can expect from playing Amazing Frog? We felt we needed a new one for the Steam Page, as the current video is over two years out of date. Its tricky to get a balance because there are so many youTube videos of Amazing Frog? that will certainly get way more views than anything we put out there, which is great! but we also just want to make something which really short that shows the game how we want it shown.
Its difficult. This first failed attempt at making a trailer, Hal and I just got caught up in playing the game (as usual) and lost all focus on what we were trying to achieve i.e. collect some decent footage of Frog activity. After 1 and a half hours of recording ourselves playing we realised not only did we forget to go to the moon, the beach and showcase the grapple hooks and fire trails and zombies and well just loads of stuff, but we had forgotten what we had done in all that time too. But we really didn’t want to be too scripted any way.
Most importantly we had fun i guess. So this video is an edited version of that 1 and a half hours of messing about in Swindon with the intention of creating “Trailer worthy” footage, followed by a short round of footage which we could use as potential trailer footage.