Welcome to Everything Sandbox.

A new category in the menu System called Sandbox.

Yeah, its literally a Giant Sandbox.

If you know what a F.A.P.S. ( Fairly Accurate Placement System ) Desk then you will be familiar with how this works in Amazing Frog? 2.

The F.A.P.S. Desk came about because we had been developing so many different types of Vehicle, creatures, accessories, weapons etc etc, that we needed to be able to gameplay test them rapidly making different combination.

And while you know we love our unlocks in Amazing Frog? by finding F.A.P.S. Disks often its nice to just have access to a bunch of content and just place them next to each other and see what happens.

Sometime in Development the F..A.P.S. Desk has been so helpful… but also really addictive, weird and fun. I have often lost too much time just experimenting with different combos… but I do have all the Disks.
Apart from the giant Sandbox we also have Winter island where the F.A.P.S. desk has a bunch of festive FAPS Disks.

With these two Sandbox worlds, we have also been creating other worlds for Amazing Frog?2 (Its all part of a larger development plan.) Winter Island is one of these.

Visit Tiny Islands

Collect things in the Toy Room

We have a whole bunch of other worlds to come too.

What about Swindon shire?

Well it may run better for many players The main reason I didn’t call this a “Major” update in that I know Swindonshire needs more attention and we are very close to a world refresh for Swindonshire in AF?2 but its not quite ready, but we really wanted you to share in the sandbox ness these Holidays. There have had been some pretty fundamental physics updates that should help, but we haven’t had bunches of time to test so be warned some strange things may well happen in this update.

And more to follow very soon.

Hey FAPpy Holidays !