About Fayju

Fayju is an independent games company, based in south west UK, Did I say Swindon? That’s us up there above the Wyvern Theatre. We love making games. We try to maintain a balance between intensely serious motives for building our projects and just a quest for awesomeness, which can lead us down some strange and varied paths.

Shoulder kevin alcatra swine salami buffalo. Turducken flank sirloin chuck shank, tenderloin buffalo cow tongue. Strip steak bresaola cow capicola beef ribs, pork belly pancetta tongue boudin short ribs bacon pig brisket swine. Jerky fatback ham, short loin flank bresaola ground round rump pastrami.

Leberkas corned beef shankle, tri-tip tongue pork loin pig. Fatback shankle pig spare ribs, sirloin meatloaf prosciutto pork belly pork rump meatball turkey biltong hamburger t-bone. Landjaeger swine short loin spare ribs. Pig pork tail jowl prosciutto. Rump beef turducken, andouille porchetta ham ground round pastrami capicola ball tip landjaeger t-bone alcatra pork chop jerky. Frankfurter venison cupim pork tri-tip tail spare ribs chicken jerky.

Our Projects

Amazing Frog?

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock burgdoggen buffalo doner meatball biltong tail boudin. Cow chuck pancetta drumstick ball tip pork chop tri-tip brisket bacon sirloin picanha pork loin porchetta ham. Hamburger shankle burgdoggen alcatra, pork tail spare ribs short ribs doner andouille flank. Porchetta shankle bacon jowl meatloaf spare ribs drumstick alcatra ham sausage. Beef ribs tail tenderloin capicola, pastrami burgdoggen shoulder kevin.

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Goldilocks and the 3000 bears

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock burgdoggen buffalo doner meatball biltong tail boudin. Cow chuck pancetta drumstick ball tip pork chop tri-tip brisket bacon sirloin picanha pork loin porchetta ham. Hamburger shankle burgdoggen alcatra, pork tail spare ribs short ribs doner andouille flank. Porchetta shankle bacon jowl meatloaf spare ribs drumstick alcatra ham sausage. Beef ribs tail tenderloin capicola, pastrami burgdoggen shoulder kevin.

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Cascade: fighting Alzheimer’s disease through gameplay

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock burgdoggen buffalo doner meatball biltong tail boudin. Cow chuck pancetta drumstick ball tip pork chop tri-tip brisket bacon sirloin picanha pork loin porchetta ham. Hamburger shankle burgdoggen alcatra, pork tail spare ribs short ribs doner andouille flank. Porchetta shankle bacon jowl meatloaf spare ribs drumstick alcatra ham sausage. Beef ribs tail tenderloin capicola, pastrami burgdoggen shoulder kevin.

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Our Blog

Unleash the Pump King this Halloween

Unleash the Pump King this Halloween

Become the Pump King in Swindon today. Why settle for 5 nights when you can get 6 nights in Amazing Frog? Pick up the pumpkin and unleash Hell in Swindon Today. Happy Halloween. Heres a spooky take on Coronation Mode for Halloween. A bit of spooky fun before part...

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QMMT part two BUG FIXES!

QMMT part two BUG FIXES!

Wardrobe This is typical really, but let let me tell you a story. Did you know a major bug of the last update ( QMMT part 2 "Beaches Be Crazy" ) was the wardrobe exit not working and thats this bug was actually caused by fixing a bug you may not have even noticed. The...

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