Dev Blog

New Update Amazing Frog? A Snappy Festive Update

New Update Amazing Frog? A Snappy Festive Update

It just doesn’t feel like Xmas unless I am rushing an update out for Amazing Frog?  - And So Flight School is now available in SwindonShire.  The doors to flight school can now be opened.  Learn to be a pilot also if you are really committed to the fly, you may be...

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Welcome to The First V3 Beta. You can access it by selecting  " v3_public_betas" You can access Betas by right-clicking the game name and going to properties. There should be a tab to Betas. Select the 'V3_public_betas' option. If you cannot see the beta in the list...

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Amazing Frog? Frog Blog 031 …October

Amazing Frog? Frog Blog 031 …October

First off sorry for the silence. We have been busy with Amazing Frog? development and I never really know when is a good time to share. I want to tell you about what we have been up to since April It's basically all been about getting a V3 update out there. We are...

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Amazing Frog? The Drones Update and Devblog 030

Amazing Frog? The Drones Update and Devblog 030

Firstly, welcome to the new Drones Update for Amazing Frog?. We have wanted to include drones in the game for some time now. Not just because we wanted to use them to generate fancy cinematic camera angles to make a decent trailer ( …still pending… ), but also because...

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Amazing Frog? Swindon Snow Storm Update (phase 2)

Amazing Frog? Swindon Snow Storm Update (phase 2)

Phase two Update for Santa’s Swindon Snow Storm Update is available now I love making Xmas Updates. Its a good chance to play around with some stuff. Also its a great way to say thanks to every one for playing Amazing Frog? So go grab the presents and unlock a preview...

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Amazing Frog? Santa’s Swindon Snow Storm Update (phase 1)

Amazing Frog? Santa’s Swindon Snow Storm Update (phase 1)

Its time for the Holiday Update and this time its a real Swindon Snow Storm! Fart propelled sledging is always lovely this time of year Obviously the Holiday period isn’t for every one, but we tried to make accommodations for them. driving can be hazardous in these...

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Amazing Frog? Halloween Hotfixes Update

Amazing Frog? Halloween Hotfixes Update

Ok, so maybe it was a bit harsh banning jetpacks and balloon packs from the blood covered streets of Swindon… I mean you can actually have a lot of fun with a jet pack when the streets are filled with blood and you guys worked so hard to get the backpacks you may as...

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Amazing Frog? The Mystery Halloween Box Update [Devblog 029]

Amazing Frog? The Mystery Halloween Box Update [Devblog 029]

This announcement can be read on Steam Here Here’s a bloody Update. Perhaps I should have called it that, “Another Bloody Update” And there I go mentioning the blood and ruining the mystery, I feel like such a muppet Currently my favorite outfit… well perhaps with...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 028 The Other Blimps [V2 Update]

Amazing Frog? Devblog 028 The Other Blimps [V2 Update]

You know what ? it feels really good to be putting updates out again. I mean over the past few months we’ve been dealing with some pretty complex stuff with V3 and V2 and iOS… getting our ducks in a row, as it were. But, today looking through recent screenshots for...

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Amazing Frog Devblog 027 Leftfield Edition [V2 Update]

Amazing Frog Devblog 027 Leftfield Edition [V2 Update]

Finally! we are in a position to start rolling out some updates, sorry it's been blimpin’ ages. Read on Steam here The first of a series of V2 updates is now available and this first one is called the "Leftfield Edition” Let's be clear- this is a V2 update, We have...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 026

Amazing Frog? Devblog 026

This post can be read on the Steam Community Page here: It's been a while since Amazing Frog? devblog 025. There is a lot going on in development and it gets difficult to explain. I am sorry and I should update you all more frequently.  Amidst all the tasks we have...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 025

Amazing Frog? Devblog 025

This can also be read on Steam here Hi, It’s been just over a month since I last updated you all on whats going on with development for Amazing Frog?. To be honest I don’t even know where to begin this devblog as we have been doing so many different things. Our core...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 024 Bugs n’ pebbles

Amazing Frog? Devblog 024 Bugs n’ pebbles

Yup, we spent most of our time in front of our computers developing and we haven’t been anywhere game related since 2016 (Steam Dev Days), in March we went out and met people, we even took business cards. That didn't change the problem that the development of Amazing...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 023 – Post Jan Fix Fest

Amazing Frog? Devblog 023 – Post Jan Fix Fest

Firstly, OMG I can’t believe people found the Fly Hats. Furthermore, I am getting reports that the space fly hat didn’t appear in peoples wardrobes. How very Fayju :S Fear not,  if you have the message that you found the space fly hat in your notifications on the...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 022 + Hotfixes f0.2.9a

Amazing Frog? Devblog 022 + Hotfixes f0.2.9a

Firstly I hope you are enjoying Amazing Frog? : The Magical Mystery Toilet. The second set of hotfixes has now been uploaded. We addressed some problems we saw in some videos and of course the community has been really helpful in spotting stuff which has gone wrong....

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 021

Amazing Frog? Devblog 021

you can read see this post on Steam here Getting Fingered Since we last spoke we’ve been picking up a lot of stuff. I mentioned last time that we were having some issues with how to hold certain items. We had dealt with this in previous versions with the “holster”...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 020 The Bank of Swindon

Amazing Frog? Devblog 020 The Bank of Swindon

This post can be read on the Steam Community here Things are really starting to come together for f0.3.0. Its been a long road, but the decision to do a full rebuild is certainly starting to show that it was worth it. It gets to a point when you have been...

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Amazing Frog ? Devblog 019 Dick Lovett

Amazing Frog ? Devblog 019 Dick Lovett

First off, did I mention last time that I was working on User interfaces…?  I don’t really like working on interfaces, because it reminds me of building websites and boring advertising stuff that I used to have to do every day before I was able to focus purely on...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 018 Details Details

Amazing Frog? Devblog 018 Details Details

I wrote most of this devblog a couple of Fridays ago and then i selfishly went on holiday without posting it.  This past week I have been wrapped up in programming, but today I thought i should make some additions to it and post already!You can also read it on Steam...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 017

Amazing Frog? Devblog 017

This can read this on Steam hereI’m afraid much of what i have been doing over the past few weeks I would find hard to glamourise. Really, I’m not sure how to make it sound interesting. Fear not, because Hal’s progress with The Fayju Building yields prettier...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 016 Frogs n stuff

Amazing Frog? Devblog 016 Frogs n stuff

The post can be read on Steam hereLATE - Apologies for not getting the devblog out last Friday I did say i would try and do one very two weeks. It can get really distracting, there is always just one more thing to program. This week i got distracted with what i would...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 015

Amazing Frog? Devblog 015

In the spirit of trying to maintain more regular development blogs, here is a new entry of what we have been doing with Amazing Frog?  over the past couple of weeks. You can read it on Steam here General Development Game development involves a lot of different...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 014

Amazing Frog? Devblog 014

You can read this on Steam Here We didn't really feel in the position to write devblog this week,  but I am conscious that you may want to know what we have been up to in the weeks that have passed since f0.2.8e The Swindon Space Program.  Development never really...

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Amazing Frog? How we make game trailers

Amazing Frog? How we make game trailers

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It’s been a while since we last made a “trailer” for Amazing Frog? What I mean by that is a video that shows how fun it is and tells...

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Amazing Frog? The Swindon Space Program Update (f0.2.8e)

Amazing Frog? The Swindon Space Program Update (f0.2.8e)

A new Update available for Amazing Frog?. We are very proud (and relieved) to announce that f0.2.8e The Swindon Space Program Update is now available. After some pretty tricky bugs that popped up last minute… I wonder did we make it in time for Easter? Well we did...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 013 (SSP)

Amazing Frog? Devblog 013 (SSP)

Hello Again. Sorry that its has been a while since the last devblog. Lots has been happening and its been getting really complex to explain what and why we are doing. I’ll do my best. First off we have a rather fiery update, f0.2.8e, that is almost ready.  You had the...

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Amazing Frog? Holiday Update f0.2.8d SSSP

Amazing Frog? Holiday Update f0.2.8d SSSP

Its time. I’ll keep this short but we just made f0.2.8d available. Yes thats right, we have done an update... Its not the unity 5 beta .. no not yet. And its not the online version. This is a gift from us to the community to say thank you for all your patience and...

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Amazing Frog? Devblog 012 Secret Santa’s 12 Secret Presents

Amazing Frog? Devblog 012 Secret Santa’s 12 Secret Presents

First things First… Where is the Unity 5 Update?  I want to make one thing clear - The Unity 5 update will NOT be ready before Xmas… 🙁 We just don’t feel that its ready to be played. We have been doing some really cool stuff that I desperately want to share with...

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Amazing Frog Devblog 011b Making Progress

Amazing Frog Devblog 011b Making Progress

Firstly Amazing Frog? Unity 5 conversion Status update - Well its all feeling a lot more like Amazing Frog? finally. Everything is finally coming together again. Many things we have been forced to work on is isolation, like the new  Models the completely rebuilt car...

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